basic usage¶
Commands are calls to externals programs. Here is a simple command:
% pwd
The command have a similar syntax than the bash one. For exemple commands, can be sequencialized:
% pwd; echo "hello"
They can be piped (well, the current implementation is weak, but a threaded strong one is in the TODO list.):
% ls | wc -l
Gufo also support redirection similarly to bash:
% echo "result" > file
% Mail -s "Subject" to-address < tmpfile
within variables¶
You can apply the result within a variable:
% let $a = ls
In this case, the command will be immediatly played but the output will not be displayed on screen but stored within the variable.
- The variable type is ‘cmd’, this type is basically just a struct having three fields:
- res: the integer returned by the command.
- print: a string containing the standard output of the command.
- print_err: a string containing the error output of the command.
playing with the variable:
% let $a = ls
% if ($a.Cmd.res == 0) then ($a.Cmd.print) else (echo "command failed")
within function¶
Of course, if a command call occurs within a function, it will be executed on the function calls (even if ‘functionnaly’, it could have been runned earlier). You can have a look at this ssh function:
% let $ssh $user $addr = ssh ($user + "@" + $addr)
Or you can use the joker pattern (‘_’) in case you just want the command call to be run from the function without real arguments.:
% let $lshome _ = ls -a -l /home
Gufo is quite sensitive with unusual caracters in commands and filenames. The general uses is that a command or filename should not contains caracters having specific meaning inside Gufo: caracters like ‘:’, ‘;’, ‘&’ might be diversely appreciated. When the first stable version of Gufo will be released, there will be an escaping system to manipulate correctly commands and filenames with such constraints but for now (alpha version), it might raise issues.